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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Slum'blog' Millionaire

Forgive the title. I thought of it last night on the way home from the movie. This movie is one of my new favorites of all time. It is surprising that such an inoffensive movie has been nominated for some many awards, but it is well deserve. Benjamin Button is no where near as good.

If you have not seen the Oscar Nominated movie, Slumdog Millionaire, then you need to go see it. Right up front I have to tell you that the movie is rated R, but both my wife and I were surprised after seeing it. We gone to our usual movie screening website, http://christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2008/slumdogmillionaire2008.html?zoom_highlight=slumdog+millionaire. It was rated R for "for some violence, disturbing images and language." Basically if you show video footage of what life is like for orphans living on the streets of India, it is going to be rated R. The things in this movie that make it R are real and Alison and I were very pleased that they were tastefully shown. There were times that they could have made it gory for the sake of being gory. There was nothing gratuitous and it all serves the purpose of telling the story.

The movie is about a 19 year old former street orphan (aka a "Slumdog") who ends up on India's version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" in order find the girl that was taken from him from the local drug lord. His life has prepared him for the questions that he draws and he is one question away from winning it all when the authorities take him on suspicion of cheating.

If you want to see a wonderful story of hope, redemption, and good triumphing over evil then you should see this movie. If you want to see what Sanctuary Home is trying to save the lost children of India from then you will see it in this movie. Some of the stories of the children currently living in Sanctuary Home are very similar to the life the star of this movie is escaping from.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do you want them?

Ok, so Obama is closing Guantanamo Bay Prison. I don't agree with this decision, but whatever I can see the debate. The question that many people are now asking is the same question Barry Obama DIDN'T ask, "Where do we put these alleged terrorist when we close Gitmo?" I want you to weigh in.

Would you be willing to have these alleged terrorists moved to the prison nearest to you?