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Monday, March 22, 2010

What Nationalized Healthcare Will Look Like

I realize this is too little too late. I have been saying this friends and family for that past year and I thought in light of the passing of the albatross custom-fitted for America's neck, I thought I would share this with the handful of people that read the things I post on here.

But before I tell you what this healthcare bill will do, let me tell you what itwill not do. It will not prevent the government from paying for abortions. The "pro-life" democrats that switched because of an executive order preventing the bill from allowing the government to pay for abortions with tax dollars know full well that the LAW trumps any executive order. Obama's executive order means nothing and they knew that. They needed an out in order to keep up the charade that they are "pro-life". They know they need to keep up the charade in order to please their constituency. Don't be fooled into thinking they were bamboozled. They knew what they were agreeing to. I am strongly apposed to abortions and it goes without saying that I do not want my tax dollars paying for them. Nor do I want the cause I feel so strongly about being prostituted out in order to pass a bill that will bankrupt our country and lead us down a road that we don't want to travel down.

Now for what it is going to be...
If you want to see what socialized medicine will look like look at our public school system. "Public" option, "public" school, see a similarity? End the end, you will have private doctors (like private schools) that do not have to follow all of the same rules that the average American can afford to go to. The hospitals and equipment (like the school buildings) will be out-dated and falling apart. The people in the town will complain about it, but then vote no to an increase in taxes to renovate. You will have a whole of really crappy doctors who can't get fired, but they will get paid the same as the good doctors who practice medicine because they want to help people and not for the money.

The main difference: healthcare is a whole lot more expensive and when the system runs out of money, the poorest of us will no longer receive an education or healthcare. The most unfortunate of us will be plagued with illiteracy and disease.

Kevin Wellborn...

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